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Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Incorporated®
Upsilon Lambda Omega Chapter

Chartered January 11, 1997

Proudly serving the cities of Cedar Hill, DeSoto, Duncanville, Glenn Heights, Lancaster, Midlothian, Oak Leaf, Ovilla, Red Oak and Waxahachie, Texas

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Welcome to the Members Only Section of the 

Upsilon Lambda Omega Chapter Website! 

Greetings and welcome to the Members Only section of the Upsilon Lambda Omega Chapter website! This is your one stop shop for members to access chapter documents, resources, event registration and where they can learn more about Upsilon Lambda Omega Chapter. Log into the site and take a moment to get familiar with this webpage, and refer to it for reports during chapter meeting and when you have questions. 

Chartered January 11, 1997  

Proudly serving the cities of Cedar Hill, DeSoto, Duncanville, Glenn Heights, Lancaster, Midlothian, Oak Leaf, Ovilla, Red Oak and Waxahachie, Texas

ULO Mailing Address: 

P.O. Box 461, DeSoto, Texas 75123

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